
How long does it take get my results?

On average the results take between 6-8 weeks when it arrives at the lab.

Is BioCertica's lab accredited?

Our Laboratory is in the process of applying for ISO accreditation.

Can other people see my results?

No, we are a privacy first company, and believe that only you should hold the keys to unlock your data.

Can I download and upload my DNA data to other platforms such as GEDmatch?

If that is the case, you can request your raw data file from us. However, we will supply you with a file format that we use to process your results. This might mean that other companies will not accept this file format.

Is it possible that my results might change over time?

Yes, even though your DNA is static, the science behind it can change from time to time.

We aim to provide you with the most accurate results out there; therefore, our team is constantly looking at the latest research available.

How to book a session with practitioner?

Click here to watch video

Our DNA kits

What can I learn from my DNA results?

Our tests aim to provide you with actionable results that you can apply in your lifestyle and ultimately own your wellness. At each trait, we provide you with information to understand how we calculated your genetic risk, what your risk means, some common signs, and a recommendation.

How much does a DNA kit cost?

Our DNA kits start at R1,699*, however you can keep an eye for the odd occasion where we might run a special.

*Terms and conditions apply

How much are additional results?

The wonderful thing about BioCertica is, that once you have done a DNA test, all your data has been secured, and if you are curious you can unlock more about yourself, at a fraction of the cost at R659*. Pharmacogenetics results are R1999 in-app.

*Terms and conditions apply.

Shipping and storing samples

Is my sample sent overseas?

All samples are tested by the Central Analytics Facilities (CAF) DNA Sequencing Unit at the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa.

What happens with my DNA sample?

We are a privacy-first platform that secures your genetic data with a digital identity.

Therefore, all our genetic processing is conducted in South Africa, on our own machinery, and by our own personnel.

Our system tracks your kit from the day it is manufactured, straight through the lab, to the day the result is delivered on your phone and thereafter. In this way, we ensure that the sanctity and custody of the sample remain secure.

Your physical DNA sample is destroyed after we’ve digitized your DNA information into computer code; this code is then encrypted into our own bespoke format and stored in the cloud. You govern access to your data through our end-to-end encryption network with accredited BioCertica partners that adhere to our data policy.

This is also the big reason why we do not generate PDF reports or email results to clients. We hope this answers your question; if not, we will be happy to arrange a call with our founder.

Do you ship internationally?

We do not currently ship outside of South Africa.

How do you safeguard my information?

We take the safeguarding of your data very seriously, and therefore we use encryption and Amazon cloud servers to keep your data private and secure.

Video tutorials

How do I add my therapy in the app?

Here's a video on how to add your therapy in the app.

How do I navigate the pharmaco results?

Here's an instructional video on how to navigate the pharmaco results

What will I find in a session with a practiitoner?

Here's what you can expect

How to use the drug search function

Here's how you can use the drug search function

Where can I learn more about Pharmacogenomics?


How do I delete my account?

Although we'd be sad to see you go, we take data privacy seriously. Rest assured that your personal data is permanently anonymized when you delete your account.

Delete your account via the mobile app:

  1. Log in to your mobile app
  2. Navigate to Vault > Account Settings
  3. Scroll to the bottom and tap 'Delete Account'

Please note, account deletion is permanent.

Our popular DNA kits

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