Extraversion Genetics: Unlocking the Social Code
BioCertica Content TeamIntroduction to extraversion
Are you an extrovert or an introvert? Or maybe some somewhere in between?  While extraversion and introversion are widely recognized personality traits, they don't adhere to a binary classification; instead, they exist on a spectrum. What does it mean that extraversion/introversion is a scale and not an either-or classification? It means that people can be different levels of extroverts or introverts, and even be very close to being 50% extroverted and 50% introverted - equal amounts of both characteristics.Â
The most common and central definition of extraversion is a state of personality in which someone gets energised from being with people. Introverts, on the hand, need alone time to recharge their batteries and become the best versions of themselves. However, when it comes to being an extrovert, introvert, or a bit of both, there is no better or worse. All have their strengths and struggles. The world needs people with different personalities and success in different careers might hinge on your levels of extraversion and introversions. Â
Genetics of extraversion
Our genes play a significant role in determining our personalities. We can develop aspects of our personalities, but we cannot completely change the nature we were born with. There is great power in finding out who you are and embracing it. Extrovertion means being more naturally put together to have contact with a lot of people. The more interaction with people, the better these people thrive. On the other hand, those more inclined to introversion are perfect for those jobs that will feel too quiet and isolated for extroverts.Â
If you are more inclined to extrovertion, make sure you get out enough and spend time with people. If you find that you are the most extovert in your friend group, emrbace it. Naturally, you'll likely take the lead in organizing get-togethers. If you are more introvert, make sure you take time outs for yourself - especially before and after situations that require spending time with a lot of people. Whether you are more of an introvert or an extrovert - rejoice in it. Get to know yourself and what you need, and give it to yourself. Be kind to yourself and go with your nature, not against it - you don’t have to be anyone but yourself. We’re all different for a reason. Fill the spot that is there for only you.
Knowing your genetic predisposition to being more introverted or extroverted can be very helpful. While it's relatively straightforward to explain the distinction, self-assessment isn't always as easy. Detecting whether someone is an extrovert or introvert is often clear, yet introspection can be more difficult.
Your environment, mood, stress levels and the people you are mostly around can influence how draining you find it to be in the companare y of others. Your genes can help a lot to help you discern who you truly deep down to help you realise what you need.Â
Interested in trying the DNA Mindfulness Kit, and learning more about your genetics predisposition for extraversion? Click here and add it to you cart.