BioCertica’s Improved Personalized Nutrition and Meal Plans Feature
BioCertica Content TeamYou may have seen the older version of this feature on your BioCertica App but it's out with the old and in with the new. We have updated the nutrition and meal plans feature to be more practical and useful. Here's a quick run-through of the new feature.
Your Diet Group
Based on your genes we have placed you into one of 7 diet groups that we anticipate will be most beneficial to you. These groups provide a broad outline of your ideal diet but of course, we encourage you to tailor it to your personal preference and lifestyle needs. If you would like some assistance with better understanding your diet and altering it to fit your needs, a consultation with one of our BioCertica practitioners is just a click away.
Of course, you need a well-balanced diet that includes all essential micronutrients. However, based on the group that will likely suit you, we have picked out the micronutrients that you may want to focus on increasing in your diet. We have provided a list of sources that are high in these particular micronutrients, especially those that provide more than 20% of the daily recommended amount of that micronutrient. We encourage you to try incorporating these foods into your diet. See the example of Vitamin A below.
How to navigate to your Micronutrients:
Simply click on Nutrition & Meals plans under Personalised Nutrition & Meals on your home screen. Then click on Your diet group overview and scroll down to Micronutrients. Scroll through to see all the micronutrients and food sources.
Shopping list
We’ve all experienced that brain fog that sets in as soon as you enter the grocery store. That dreaded thought “what did I need again?” Well, with the shopping list feature, we’ve got you covered. Simply open up your BioCertica App and go to your shopping list where you can see the foods that will be most beneficial to you. These lists are compiled from the foods we suggest you consume as they contain multiple micronutrients that your diet group requires.
How to navigate to your Shopping list:
Simply click on Nutrition & Meals plans under Personalised Nutrition & Meals on your home screen. Then click on Your diet group overview and scroll down to the Shopping list. Scroll down to see all the lists that are compiled according to the sections of a grocery store.
What to minimise
The “What to minimise” section promotes the idea of life in moderation. We don’t expect you to completely cut these foods out of your life however we do suggest you approach eating them with caution. Although your diet is the focus of the nutrition and meal plan update, other aspects of your lifestyle should also be considered here as well.
How to navigate to your What to minimise:
Simply click on “My Nutrition & Meals plans” under “Personalised Nutrition & Meals” on your home screen. Then click on “Your diet group overview” and scroll down to “What to minimise”.
The dreaded question: What’s for dinner? Let us help you out.
We have provided a variety of recipes for every meal of the day that incorporates food that is best suited to your suggested diet group. For each recipe, you will see the time to prepare, ingredients, instructions, number of servings, and the macronutrient content per serving. You can also save your favorite recipes.
How to navigate to your Recipes:
Simply click on “My Nutrition & Meals plans” under “Personalised Nutrition & Meals” on your home screen. Scroll down and you will see some recommended recipes for the day. Click on “See all recipes” for more recipes. In the top right corner, you can navigate to your favorite recipes.
This feature is designed to give some guidance in terms of your diet; however, don’t forget to go back to your specific results for greater insight into what you need. If you would like a great amount of information and advice on how to empower your life through your diet, please contact one of our BioCertica practitioners.
Don’t forget to update your BiocCertica App via your mobile app store to enjoy this feature. We hope you love this new lifestyle update as much as we do! Bon appétit!